We Are Phenomenal Women!

We provide women with educational resources to strengthen character, build strong families and create an authentic bond of sisterhood. Our mentorship program for young girls has gained International recognition and is currently being implemented in the country of Bermuda. Although Phenomenal Women® was originally designed with women in mind we also facilitate workshops for men and children.

CALLING ALL WOMEN!  We are looking for movers and shakers and the women that have stopped moving and shaking.  If you are fit and fortunate or fat and flabby we need to hear from you.  Are you forty and fabulous or fifty and frustrated?  No matter where you are in life, Phenomenal Women® are here to ignite your purpose and celebrate your accomplishments.  Life is a journey and every woman has a story, what’s yours?

Have you ever felt alone and somewhat helpless with nobody to turn to for support? Well, we are here to tell you that you are not alone. Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

What has delayed you from becoming a phenomenal woman®?  Have you let fear, doubt or struggle become your destiny?

NO MORE EXCUSES!  You are surrounded by witnesses, therefore let us lay aside every weight that so easily ensnares us, and let’s run the race with endurance.  Your past is a cancelled check and your future is a promissory note which you get to decide what the terms and conditions will be.  Are you ready to move forward with us on this phenomenal journey?  On your mark- get set-GO!

It’s time to Unite, Empower and Inspire women around the world!  What will your legacy be?  Will you leave behind a legacy of affluence or influence?  Every day your life touches other lives in unseen ways.  A phenomenal woman® leaves an inheritance to her children’s children.  It’s one thing to measure success by the money in your bank account, the size of your real estate holdings and the value of your stock portfolio.  It’s entirely another to measure it by intangibles like being a faithful marriage partner, raising great kids,  serving others at church or sharing your gifts and talents while volunteering in the community.  All great legacies come with a price tag.  To move beyond mediocrity, you must invest every day in the accounts of those who follow you! What price are you willing to pay?

THINK POSITIVE! “If you think you are beaten, you are.  If you think you dare not, you don’t.  Success begins with your own will.  It’s all in your state of mind.  Life’s battles are not always won by those who are smarter, stronger, faster or prettier.  Sooner or later the person who wins is the person who THINKS she can!”